
Welcome to The Ticking Time Mom, a space where I’ll share my attempt at balancing the sound of the ever present clock-tick with the reality of our breakneck pace as moms! I’ve yet to strike a balance but the adventure has been ripe with comic relief. I hope you’ll laugh with me!

I’m a wife to my hunka burnin’ love and mother of four precious wild ones, ages 1-8. Our goal is to keep our marriage, family and sanity intact. I guess achieving the first two out of three ain’t bad.

I love the Barefoot Contessa, anything chocolate, Samurai chai tea and eating a meal when it’s hot. Which is infrequent.

I also enjoy reading, hot yoga, leisurely shopping and the beach. I look forward to doing those things again in about 17 years.

Bargain hunting and yard sales make me incredibly happy. My sweet grandmother was raised in the Great Depression and taught me a few tricks. I look forward to sharing my deals with you as they pop up!

A quick note about TTM:

I enjoy writing this blog and find it to be much cheaper than therapy. I love telling stories and in turn hearing about your adventures and misadventures! I choose the content on this site- the thoughts, photos and products. I participate in affiliate programs with companies we use as a family and whom I trust. This means I earn a small commission from purchases through those links at no additional cost to you. I hope you never feel pressure to buy…but if you do make a purchase, please know how much I appreciate your support of this blog! I will keep sharing great finds and deals as they come up!

Thanks for stopping by. I’m never sure what’s going to happen next on this journey but I hope you’ll stick around for the ride. And the read!


15 thoughts on “About

  1. You make the chaos of kids, crazy runaway dogs and cats, work, home remodeling during pregnancy (THAT was fun!), living with a coach, and your journey with turmoil have a way of making us all be a little envious. (Please don’t write about those bizarre, old neighbors who live on the corner.)

  2. Pingback: Deals. What can I get for $20? | TickingTimeMom

  3. Pingback: Faith, Family, Friends. And Amazon Prime. | TickingTimeMom

  4. Pingback: Our family vacation. Same chaos, pricier location. | TickingTimeMom

  5. Pingback: Dear Mother Who is Further Along | TickingTimeMom

  6. Pingback: Top Gift Ideas for Father’s Day. How to impress dad on his big day! | TickingTimeMom

  7. Pingback: Tumbler to tumbler. Our comparison of the beloved Yeti brand versus competitor Walmart’s Ozark Trail.  | TickingTimeMom

  8. Pingback: Jelly the Pug, Clarisonic and cute jammies on Zulily. Up to 70% off!  | TickingTimeMom

  9. Pingback: A few last minute Black Friday Weekend Deals | TickingTimeMom

  10. I LOVE reading about your crazy life. I can so remember those crazy days. Happy early birthday. Life only gets better with each passing year. Celebrate each day 🙂 !

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